Cycle Friendly Kingussie (CFK) has received the prestigious Gold Award from Cycling Scotland, the nation’s cycling organisation, for its commitment to making it easier for people to get on their bikes and being a cycle friendly community.
The nationally recognised award recognises organisations – from workplaces to schools, community groups to campuses – that have contributed to promoting cycling as a healthy and sustainable travel choice. The award aims to encourage and support organisations across Scotland to take a leading role in ensuring that anyone, anywhere can enjoy the benefits of cycling.
In order to achieve the gold level of the cycle friendly community award CFK has encouraged people to travel by bike with its range of activities, including:
- weekly road and mountain bike ride guided rides throughout the year;
- events including the popular annual Bikeathon involving over 400 cyclist;
- training for leaders and maintenance workshops;
- information on local rides including a brochure of local rides and trail head signage;
- provision of an innovative and highly successful electric bike loan scheme, which in itself has resulted in many people getting back on their bikes; and
- transformation of the Gynack Gardens including the installation of secure cycle parking and a maintenance stand.
Looking forward CFK have plans for further infra structure projects, another maintenance stand for Kincraig, extending to the electric bike loan scheme, and helping with the roll out of bikeability training in local schools and lots more.
“We are delighted that the efforts of our volunteer Cycle Friendly Kingussie team has been recognised with this award. We set out to reduce the barriers to getting people out cycling and encourage them to rekindle or find their passion for cycling.”
Mark Tate, Cycle Friendly Kingussie
“CFK is all about helping others and making things happen to make it easier for people to cycle in and around Kingussie. Whilst the volunteer ethos has been crucial we would also like to acknowledge grant support from a number of organisations including the Cairngorms National Park Authority, Highland Council, Sustrans, Energy Savings Trust and Cycling Scotland.”
Bob Kinnaird, Cycle Friendly Kingussie, Kingussie Community Development Company
“Cycle Friendly Kingussie is doing an incredible job at supporting their local community into cycling with rides, training, maintenance workshops and social events, and we are delighted to celebrate their efforts with Cycling Friendly Community Gold Award. Encouraging cycling in the community brings people together, builds skills and confidence, and can address inequalities“
Sandra Lavergne, Cycling Scotland
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